Monday, October 30, 2006

Concert and Halloween!

This Sunday we had our first real concert with Chapel Choir!
I was pretty excited, hihi. And the best part was, I knew I had people sitting in the audience listening to me! Joel, Sue and Art all came down from Devils Lake too, and Lyle came from Alexandria, and that was REALLY nice of them, I really appreciated that! So thanks guys..! :D
(And can you believe it, I didn't take ONE single picture..!! *sob*)

The concert was good, our last few songs were really good I think, and my sextet-solo went well! :D I think Mr. Smith really enjoyed parts of our concert, he started stretching out notes more and stuff, hehe.
And today (Monday) he had talked to Dr. Clausen, and apparently he liked our "O Magnum Mysterium" so much he would like us to perform it on the Christmas Concert!!! That song has been done by Concordia College Choir before, and it's a HARD piece when it comes to intonation and keeping it interesting, so that's kind of a big deal! And Dr. Clausen is preeeetty picky about stuff, so we consider it an honor, definitely! *cheer*
And PS: There will be a DVD made from the concert, hehe)

And as you can imagine, Halloween is kind of a big deal over here! We had a dance tonight, and I had some fun for sure! The most fun thought was taking the pics AFTER the dance, haha. We had a dance here at school, yes, hihi. I dressed as Lara Croft (kind of an insider "joke") and a couple of friends of mine took some pics, hihi. They laughed their heads off at times, lol.
Here is a small selection!

I think they turned out kind of good, hihi. We had heaps of fun taking them anyway! But payed for it by getting just B+ at the conducting thing we had today... We were to rehearse a piece of our choice for 10 min with the "choir" (the rest of the class), and there were some things I should have thought more about. But oh well, next time!!! ;)

They also had a sale at the Bookstore, so I bought heaps of Concordia items! :D Got present's for my peeps back home and stuff, hihi.

And Prexi had ice on the water this morning, and snow came flying a little bit, looked neat:


Anonymous said...

Så koselig at så mange av vår slekt kom og hørte på deg og resten av koret!Ble helt rørt da jeg leste det!Klem fra mamman din!

Anonymous said...

I can write it in english too: So nice that so many of our relatives came to listen to you and the rest of the choir!I became very touched when I read about it!Hug from your MAMMA!

Anonymous said...

Stilige bilder! You go girl!

maren-audhild said...

men hvem er det som stikker ut fra beinet ditt;) hoho

Annema said...

I know, haha. der for har jeg lagt til et bilde til i dag :)

Cysiam said...

titt-titt nisse mellom beina dine på første bildet. he he.. Cool outfit!