Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Well, this is crap.
Half of my exams went straight to hell, and now I don't even know if my program at Concrodia will count for anything back home. SPLENDID!!!!!!!
It's definately a bummer, but I try to stay positive and just enjoy the moment right now! And I have a new project going on:
I've been quite active the past wekk, and I'm a bit proud, cuase I've been saying to myself for so long that I need to get up and do soemthing. And Now I am doing something! :D I have a LOT more energy, and it feels great! :) Looking forward to having a fit body too, hehe... ;)

Well, I better go do some sensible stuff, like hang up some laundry or something. Did some of that yesterday, and even cleaned up the kitchen a tad! This new energy makes you do weird stuff, haha.....!! ;)

Fare thee well my lonely ones.

And OH: I have not posted this yet, which is a miracle, but WOHOOO!!!!!!! Isn't it awesome? :D