Friday, December 01, 2006


We got another snowfall this morning, SOOOO nice to walk out when everything is all white! :D I have a picture, but not sure it's worth showing here - it ain't THAT much snow, hihi. But don't worry, there will be lots more of those snowy pics.

So tonight is the big night, our very FIRST Christmas Concert this year!! :D Nylons are ready, shoes are polished and the music is memorized. Soon putting on makeup and putting up hair, gonna be GREAT!!!!!

Oh, and let me know if you wanna see those videoclips from that dancing, I put it on YouTube, so all you gotta do is let me know your username and I'll figure it out! ;) Or come find me, I'm lykkepilla of course, hihi.

Anyway, better get off here, l8ah

(Fine, I'll throw in a pic... :P)

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