Friday, August 25, 2006

Finally here!

Wow. I'm actually here!
After all kinds of troubles and moments of not really knowing, I am finally here in my dorm at Concordia College!! I met up with one of my roommates earlier today, Jenna, and she seems really nice :D I was supposed to meet one of my other roommates tonight too, but she hasn't shown herself yet, and I'll be going to bed after writing this blog ;)

My travel over here was no problem really, but a bit long since I couldn't sleep. Was good landing Tuesday, got wrose wednesday though, I have gotten a bit of a cold, probably because of airconditioning and stuff, yuck. Hopefully it'll pass before the audtions for the choirs go off!

It's been a busy day, with orientations and stuff, lots of info, hopefully some of it will stay in my head, hehe. More going on tomorrow, so I should really get some sleep! Janice is taking me to Verixon to get my cellphone tomorrow, I'll mail that out when I get back :) Janice has been so great while I've been here, I owe a LOT to her really! So thanks to Janice :)

I really should be going to bed though, I'll post later!
But I have a really good feeling about this, I really do. :D :D

Good night and sleep tight ya'll :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Kos deg! Vi talast!