Saturday, February 18, 2006

Here we go again!

Well, since I actually got started,
I found out I might as well go on while I'm at it.
Unfortunately I'm sitting at my parents computer,
and I have no good pictures here, or WAIT, I do!!!

This is
from a
a few years
ago, the
snow was
that year.
Took lots of pictures, and wish I had taken more!!
Doubt I will see snow like this ever again.
Makes you believe in higher powers
granting you a miracle if you ask me!

And for those interested:
I am going to the US tuesday in 3 days,
I can't wait to get there!!!
Mom, my sister and me are going to see some relatives,
and what we coomand, they obey, hihi....

Anyway, there will come more here soon,
I love this, hihi...!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Digger det bildet!!!