Monday, February 25, 2008

Christmas again!!!! :D

Wow, this fall has just flown by, and now Christmas has been here again! Can you imagine it's a whole year since I was midway through my year at Concordia, celebrating Christmas with a bunch of our relatives in the US??? Wow, time goes by...

This year has been extremely eventful, lots of little things, and a few very big things. Of course, one has to mention the new boyfriend, hihi. I came out of a very long relationship this fall, which in reality had been dead for quite some time. Fate had it that I had already known this guy for almost 2 years, and little by little we grew closer. It feels indescribably awesome, and who knows where the world will take us, hehe.
Here we are anyway, cute as ever :P

That's from New Year's Eve, and during that week I had two german girls visiting me too!!!! Franzi and Claudi came up to celebrate with us, and we had a wonderful time! :D Here we are:

Check out pictures at if you want more! ;)

Christmas was so awesome this year. I got to bake with mom several times, got good presents for everyone, got to be with the entire family, got to see the polish Cinderella story with Kristin, yaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!! Everything was just so right :)
1st day of Christmas we got moms youngest brother and all the others of them over for dinner, that was super nice!!! We jammed with durms and ukuleles and had a blast!!!
2nd day of Christmas I went to Espen's and had dinner at his grandma's before returning home picking up my german girls on the way!
New Year's Eve was fun, we had an AWESOME meal cooked by two germans and 1,5 norwegian (my sister helped squeezing the lime, hehe), and we had great food the entire night. The main course was Bangkok Chicken, look it up!
We also traveled around a little, even going to our cabin after New Year's, and I LOVED it!!!! Espen came too, and my family of course! Lots of snow, skiing, snow-racing, good food, great company - I had the best time I've had in a long time up there, so thanks to all who joined me! :D

Oh, btw, Espen and I are taking dance classes with his mom, and since he was competing in this stuff until he was 17, it's a JOY to literally flyyyyy and float around on the dancefloor with him! I LOVE it!!! Hey, I love him, hihi. :D Pic coming up when I get one!

Now I hope it won't be this long until I blog again, but.....
Now let me relax with my book. ;)

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