Monday, March 12, 2007

Wow, awesome....!!!!!!!!!

Well, tour is done! And I have no idea how that last week fle by! When I woke up yesterday morning after coming home, it seemed like the tour happened 3 weeks ago! This post will be extremely long, most because of pictures, but I'm gonna try to keep to a minimum, and then please go to my msn space to view the rest of my pics! I took a BUNCH (like 700) but I'll select the best ones to shoe off there, hehe. Enjoy!

- The tour started out a little earlier than people had planned..! I were supposed to leave at 5am (yes, in the MORNING) Saturday, but there was a blizzard on the way, so we wanted to make sure we weren't stuck in Moorhead and left Friday afternoon instead. Thank goodness we already had packed our suitcases and only needed our carry-ons for the flight! But that can be bad enough for a girl, plus, a lot of people didn't get to their aerands before leaving.
I was one of the lucky ones too, I got the message at 11am Friday morning, but some didn't get the message until half an hour before we were supposed to leave, which made people a LITTLE crazy, hehe. I even had time to work out though, it was great!
We stayed at a nice hotel/motel in Roseville just outside Minneapolis/St. Paul.

- Woke up bright and early to get ready for our flight, I was still hyper too, hehe. Had a very "funny" breakfast, aka, I giggeled a LOT, hihi...
- On schedule leaving for the airport, got the airport, waited at the airport. This is what some people did:

Keep looking for updates here! :)


maren-audhild said...

Du har sisten=)
(se på bloggen min for info)
jeg aner ikke hva sisten er på engelsk.. hehe

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