As most you already know, in the US we are graded with letter A-F, where A is the best and F is flunking the test or whatever.
Well, this Monday we had our first conducting test, and I was pretty nervous, yikes..! The piece we were to conduct was "Take, O take those lips away", which is an arrangement over a Shakespear text. The song is wuite beautiful, so it was easy to get into it, but still, lots of technical stuff that needed to be in place. Fermatas, crescendos, diminuendos, piano cues and ritardandos with subdividing. And then try to relaxe, haha. But you know what?
(To ace something means that you got an A, which is the highest score.) I was pretty proud! Not sure I deserved it, but I'm still happy! :D
Then, Wednesday, we had both a Materials of music test, and another English vocabulary quiz, and the music test was in the class that I find a little hard. But I still got 38 of 50 possible points, and that's not really all that bad! And I know I can do better! :) English went great as usual, those quizes aren't all that hard, hehe. But I do deserve those points, I do my homework thoroughly! :)
And Thursday I ran in to four firemen! They came because the alarm had gone off, but the school thought they sorted it out. Apparently there was some kind of mix-up, so instead of putting out a fire, they took a picture with me!! Well, I WAS on fire, so technically they started one, haha. They were really nice, and HUGE! Now, I tooka picute, but my camera is REALLY bad at taking pictures when it's dark (hinthint mom :P), so here is the result:
And this Friday I went out clubbing for the first time! Interesting experience, hehe. I haven't been out for SO long, so it was nice to get out and have some fun!!
Lots of other things has been going on too, among other things I went to a leadership thing which I will attend a few more times this next month, and I was also at this seminar thing a few times, and my next blog will tell you a little bit more about that, this one is getting too long..!
I also audtitioned for a part in a smaller choit who will sing during one of our songs, so check in later and I will know if I got it or not! :)
Take care of yourself in life guys. And dream.
You go girl! :D
I AM going!!!! *hihi*
bildene kommer poppende fram etterhvert;) ett bilde for hver gang jeg er på bloggen din;)
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