Tuesday, September 05, 2006


In true Steve Irwin style I open this post with his favourite word! R.I.P, and hope you have some crocs to hunt in heaven! :)

Well, today was interesting: First class in Aural skills III, and I was a bit nervous and curious about what it would be like. And guess what: the first thing we had to do, was to get up i front of everybody and sightsing ON SOLFAGE a little song - which they recorded. HURRAY!!!! *lol* Sightsinging isn't much of a problem for me anymore, but the solfage?? YEAH, right. Haven't done that in 3 years for goodness sake! He said I could sing on lalala for today, so i did, and it went well. But I don't think it'll be a big deal getting into it again. Wohooo! ;)

Had a pretty uneventful weekend after last post, and yesterday I was in a very weird mood - I guess that first KICK you get when coming here is fading, and I was just feeling weird. Not really in a bad mood or depressed, just .... weird, hehe.
Here is a picture from back home just to make me feel good:

And with that I'll say goodbye for this time, and see you later unless I drown while doing water-aerobics!
Cheers mate!


.: Maya :. said...

Would you mind explaining to us uneducated minds what it means to sightsing? Oh, and maybe solface too? *giggle* Keep up the good work, girl!

.: Maya :. said...

Uhh.. *clears throat* I meant Solfage, of course.. *tries not to blush* ..perhaps if the words are translateable into Norwegian? *hides*

Annema said...

Sightsinging is when you have to sing a random melody that you have never heard before - which means you will have to find all the tones yourself! Solfage is the famous "Do, the deer, a female deer, re, a hm-hm ray of light", you know, Do, re, mi, fa, so(l), la, ti, DOOOOOOO!!!!, *hihi*
In nOrwegian solfage is solfa, and sightsinging is "lese fra bladet"!