Oh my god..... OH - MY - GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!
I actually got accepted to Concordia College, Moorhead Minnesota!!!! It's quite some time ago now, thought I had written it down here, but guess I didn't. But I GOT IN!!! The feeling is... I feel invincible, just like Carola, haha!! We'll team up later on :P
But after knowing I got in, other worries started creaping up on me. Now I need to pass all my exams - if i flunk any of them, I won't get any financial support from Lanekassa, and that's just.... Well, mom said she would pay for my year there no matter what, because she really wants me to go there, but that will be an expencive affair I tell ya. Fortunately for me, I get a King Olav's "scholarship" which gives me an extra 10 000$, and that's not half bad!!
And I actually have had 3 exams out of 4 since I started worrying, and I have gotten on result back - and I flunked it. I had it coming, so it was no surprise, but.... If I don't get to hand in another before summer, it's byebye to some good money....!! But I have heard rumours of a new exam, so hopefully they'll put one up and I'll get it right that time! :D
Things have wroekd out so far for me, so hopefully it'll work out now too.
But it's not all worries these days, generally I feel quite happy! But if this rain continues I'm not sure how it's gonna affect my mood, I want sunny days, it's SPRING for Gods sake!! Ehem..... But it's really nice to have energy, and to feel free and happy, I love it!
Throwing in an old photo from Mallorca just to get the summerfeeling going, enjoy! *hihi*
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