This winter has been ice, ice, and a whole lot more ice. And some snow :D But now it's getting closer to Easter, and the snow, forgive me; ICE, is melting more and more, day by day! Sun is getting warmer, and stands higher in the sky - it's time to enjoy life even more!!!!
My heart melted a long time ago though, hihi. Yes yes, another cliché, I know. But I'm in love, what can I say...? :P This guy is just.... <3 :D
This is from my friends birthday party, we had a lot of fun, hihi.
I still don't have shot of me with my new phase II pants, which is just ridiculous, so I'll fix that this week! :D Espen is pretty excited about me taking phase III this summer, and is happy that we can move on to more advanced stuff. I must say I am too! There hasn't ben too much challenge the past few months, except whatever you make of it yourself of course, so I like the change of pace! We've started to work out together more often, both with Kali and weightlifting and all that good stuff, I like it! :D Read more if you want at my Work Out Blog ;)
School is a little slack at the moment, not because I am slacking, but because the material is easy and one class is out doing teaching these days. But me and a classmate got a really good response on this assignment to make a storyline teaching-"program" or plan. They said it was a textbook example of how to do it, hihi. Go us!!!!! :D
Just gotta post this before it gets too old! More coming up!